
Information about the wear of undercarriage components


It is impossible to avoid wear of undercarriage components, even with the use of optimal designs and high-quality parts. However, understanding the possible causes of wear, along with periodic inspections and appropriate maintenance, can help minimize the effects of wear and increase the service life of the undercarriage.
All parts of the undercarriage assemblies are designed and manufactured so that they work and wear out as a single system during operation. This is due to the fact that as soon as any part of the assembly begins to wear out, this somehow affects the operation of the entire undercarriage. That is why it is strongly recommended not to mix new and worn-out units during operation and change them completely. Failure to comply with these recommendations can lead to a significant reduction in the resource of both newly installed units and to accelerated wear of previously installed, worn out units.
Factors that affect the life cycle of the undercarriage system and the balance of wear of its components can be grouped into three main groups:
  • uncontrollable factors,
  • partially controllable factors,
  • controllable factors.
These factors in general can be attributed to the properties of the soil on which the equipment works, as well as to the types of work performed and operating conditions.